Everyone wants to get the best shot of the Bride & Groom and get the most likes on Instagram and Facebook. We're glad that everyone is so excited to celebrate their love. But this wedding season, please be considerate and let the couple cherish the photos they really want (HINT: it's NOT a photo of your hands/camera/ipad!)
Wedding Bouquet Video Camera
What a neat idea to add a camera in your bouquet! It shows you in first person your point of view of what you saw during your exciting moments. If you are thinking of using videography to capture your wedding day memories, this is a must.
Comment below and tell us how you will keep your Wedding Day alive for years to come.
Young Love - Cinemagraphs
Thumbing through all the Wedding ideas, we came across a very different but interesting way to display your photo. It's so cool, we couldn't help but share. This new technology is called Cinemagraphs. It's a way to take 'stills' to move. MailOnline say, " The 'cinemagraphs' look like a still photo but actually feature a subtle area of movement designed to grab your eye and keep looking. The effect is slightly eerie - but utterly captivating.
New York-based Miss Beck told The Atlantic magazine: ‘There's something magical about a still photograph - a captured moment in time - that can simultaneously exist outside the fraction of a second the shutter captures.
‘We feel there are many exciting applications for this type of moving image.
‘There's movement in everything and by capturing that plus the great things about a still photograph you get to experience what a video has to offer without the time commitment a video requires.’
She added that sharing websites such as Tumblr have been essential for helping them publish their work and getting them an audience.
Here is the still photo. Click on the link to see it in action. Would you consider doing something like this for your wedding? What do you think of this new technology?

Other photos and further details, check out MailOnline or the artist's cinemegraphs page from From Me To You.