2016 Weddings
Click on the images to delve further into these wonderous weddings. Most recent weddings are at the top, going back to January 2016 at the bottom of the page. It’s how you #CelebrateThisLove.

Tiffany on December 31, 2016 ♥

Tiffany on December 31, 2016♥

Jackie on November 1, 2016 ♥ Cassia Machado Fotografia

Rosemary + Colin on August 13, 2016 ♥ Livernano Villa (Chianti, Tuscany, Italy)

Charo + Tony on September 3, 2016 ♥ Iris Mannings Photography at The Home of the Commandant (SE DC)

Meagan + Luke on July 2, 2016 ♥ Brittany Thomas Photography at The Lodges at Gettysburg (Gettysburg, PA)

Sally + David on June 18, 2016 ♥ Katelyn James Photography at the Army Navy Country Club (Arlington, VA)

Laura + Neil on May 1, 2016 ♥ Sharp Eye Pixels at Basking Ridge Country Club (Basking RIdge, NJ)

Kimberly + Shaun on May 14, 2016